Special Interest Housing


特殊兴趣住房是一种生活安排,由一个住宅大厅内的楼层和两个房屋组成,这些房屋是根据学生群体的共同兴趣而发展起来的. 这些楼层和房屋为校园社区和十大赌博正规老平台社区提供服务,以促进他们的兴趣.

In addition to special interest floors, 特别权益房屋包括一个Living Learning Community (LLC). 有限责任公司提供了一个分享共同居住和学习经验的机会, and create intentional links between social, cultural, academic, 以及基于学科和跨学科主题的住宿体验.


And one LLC house:

加入特殊利益集团或有限责任公司有几个好处. 加入这些楼层或房屋,你从第一天起就加入了一个社区. 另一个好处是,你可以避免在春季学期结束时抽签. Special interest floors and houses have their own housing procedures.


许多特殊兴趣楼层都有自己的在线应用程序,并在招聘功能上提供它们. You should contact each group individually for more information.

You can apply to more than one group. In this case, 你要和每一组进行面试,一旦你接受了其中一组的offer, your name will be removed from consideration in any other group.


特殊利益楼层住房费用与住在任何宿舍相同. However, 与不同群体相关的额外成本可能取决于各个群体的结构. 一些楼层要求会员按学期或按年缴纳会费,而其他楼层则不要求.

Special Interest Housing Options

Anime Interest Floor (Anderson 7)

无论你是一个狂热的动漫迷,还是只是觉得这个类型有点有趣, 你会发现动漫兴趣大厅(AIF)有你想要的东西.

Located on the seventh floor of Anderson Tower, AIF houses an ever-expanding manga library, which is open for public perusal 24/7. AIF还每周举办动漫故事片的放映和讨论. On-floor events include activities such as:

  • Multiplayer gaming
  • Anime viewing
  • Make-your-own sushi

会员还可以在当地的动漫零售商Hammergirl anime获得折扣.

AIF成员带来了不同的兴趣,代表了广泛的学术追求. AIF has big plans for the future–join us and help to shape it!

Visit our Facebook page for more information. Our Discord 罗彻斯特大学的每个人都可以在这个服务器上讨论动漫, manga, video games, and much more!

Anime Interest Floor video

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Computer Interest Floor (Anderson Hall)

计算机兴趣楼(CIF)是消磨时间的娱乐场所, talk, or simply capitalize on the near-constant stream of food. 周围总是有人,而且几乎总是有事情发生.

尽管在大多数成员的利益中,有一个值得注意的重点是计算机和技术, CIF is home to a variety of other interests, including movies, philosophy, archaeology, and psychology. 我们的成员总是对学术和纯粹随机话题的讨论感兴趣.

我们在安德森大厦的地下室有一个计算机实验室和一个通用的Linux服务器,并定期举办各种主题的技术研讨会. We hold both coding and entertainment-based events in our lab, but we do more than just computer-based events. We host monthly game nights and have a large board game library, which people are free to check out games from.

CIF是学习系统管理和开源软件的好地方,也是进行友好社交的好地方, active, and spontaneous environment.

Please contact cif_board@u.freewayrooms.com or stop by if you have any questions or would like to apply. Our doors are always open. Even at three in the morning. Visit our Facebook page for more information.

Computer Interest Floor video (Instrumental music plays in the background.)

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Drama House

Drama House stands on our principles of creativity, artistic collaboration, and gender and sexuality inclusion. 它的许多成员都致力于戏剧和包括音乐在内的广泛兴趣, film, dance, literature, and fine arts. 我们举办活动,重点是鼓励强大的校园和当地戏剧社区. See the Drama House website for more information.

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Douglass Leadership House

Douglass Leadership House (DLH), named after Frederick Douglass, DLH的使命是建立一个有吸引力的知识社区,所有文化背景的学生都可以聚集在一起,提高对黑人文化经历的各个方面的认识, politics, history, and diasporic roots. As a dedicated house, 目前DLH选出的董事会成员为希望住在房子里的学生招募和选择学生.

The house cannot be selected during normal housing selection. If you are interested in applying, email: URDouglassHouse@gmail.com. 在Instagram @URDouglassLeaders上与DLH联系,了解他们的活动信息. 该项目由包括学生在内的顾问委员会监督, alumni, student life administrators, deans and faculty.

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GreenSpace (Burton Hall)

GreenSpace (GS), located on the first floor of Burton, 大学的第一个特别兴趣住房机会是致力于可持续的生活方式吗. 有兴趣在考虑环境的情况下做出日常选择的学生现在可以定期与志同道合的人互动和学习.

Our mission is to come together, learn from one another, and do our best to lead lives of environmental consciousness. 我们致力于在校园里树立一个形象,提高人们的意识,并鼓励其他人做出简单的改变,就像成员每天做的那样,以便尽可能地过上可持续的生活.

To learn more, check out our website or visit our Facebook page.

GreenSpace video (Instrumental music plays at the beginning with captions.)

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Music Interest Floor (Wilder Hall)

Founded in 1976, 音乐兴趣楼(MIF)是一个由居住在怀尔德九号的音乐家和鉴赏家组成的社区. 你可以发现我们参与了大学音乐的各个方面以及校园周围的音乐相关活动和事件.

We have a large practice room equipped with a drum set and a piano, available for individual and group use, 我们还举办即兴表演和开放麦克风之夜等活动. We hold a number of musical events on and off campus, too. Past events include:

  • 校舍摇滚(为贫困儿童筹款提供乐器的音乐会)
  • Performances at the Rochester Psychiatric Center
  • Bringing performers from the Arc of Monroe to campus

我们的四个公共休息室和定期的社交活动培养了我们强烈的社区意识, including everything from dinners to paintball. Send an email to rochestermif@gmail.com if you have any questions about our floor.

Music Interest Floor video

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